Devansh Agrawal

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Conformal phased surfaces for wireless powering of bioelectronic microdevices

Devansh Agrawal, Yuji Tanabe, Desen Weng, Andrew Ma, Stephanie Hsu, Song-Yan Liao, Zhe Zhen, Zi-Yi Zhu, Chuanbowen Sun, Zhenya Dong, Fengyuan Yang, Hung Fat Tse, Ada S. Y. Poon, John S. Ho
Nature Biomed. Eng.
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  author = {Agrawal, Devansh R. and Tanabe, Yuji and Weng, Desen and Ma, Andrew and Hsu, Stephanie and Liao, Song Yan and Zhen, Zhe and Zhu, Zi Yi and Sun, Chuanbowen and Dong, Zhenya and Yang, Fengyuan and Tse, Hung Fat and Poon, Ada S.Y. and Ho, John S.},
  doi = {10.1038/s41551-017-0043},
  issn = {2157846X},
  journal = {Nature Biomedical Engineering},
  number = {3},
  pages = {1--9},
  publisher = {Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature.},
  title = {{Conformal phased surfaces for wireless powering of bioelectronic microdevices}},
  url = {},
  volume = {1},
  year = {2017}

Wireless powering could enable the long-term operation of advanced bioelectronic devices within the human body. Although both enhanced powering depth and device miniaturization can be achieved by shaping the field pattern within the body, existing electromagnetic structures do not provide the spatial phase control required to synthesize such patterns. Here, we describe the design and operation of conformal electromagnetic structures, termed phased surfaces, that interface with non-planar body surfaces and optimally modulate the phase response to enhance the performance of wireless powering. We demonstrate that the phased surfaces can wirelessly transfer energy across anatomically heterogeneous tissues in large animal models, powering miniaturized semiconductor devices (<12 mm3) deep within the body (>4 cm). As an illustration of in vivo operation, we wirelessly regulated cardiac rhythm by powering miniaturized stimulators at multiple endocardial sites in a porcine animal model.


Wireless powering could enable the long-term operation of advanced bioelectronic devices within the human body. Although both enhanced powering depth and device miniaturization can be achieved by shaping the field pattern within the body, existing electromagnetic structures do not provide the spatial phase control required to synthesize such patterns. Here, we describe the design and operation of conformal electromagnetic structures, termed phased surfaces, that interface with non-planar body surfaces and optimally modulate the phase response to enhance the performance of wireless powering. We demonstrate that the phased surfaces can wirelessly transfer energy across anatomically heterogeneous tissues in large animal models, powering miniaturized semiconductor devices (<12 mm3) deep within the body (>4 cm). As an illustration of in vivo operation, we wirelessly regulated cardiac rhythm by powering miniaturized stimulators at multiple endocardial sites in a porcine animal model.

Design and source code modified from Jon Barron's website. Edit here.